We  introduce a non-contact system for mass temperature measurement

Nowadays it is more important than ever to be able to predict and nimbly adapt the ever-changing situation. Which have been proving itself as not an easy task: to stay a step ahead and to prevent the spread of high-infectious diseases in your factory.

If you achieve very early detection of employees who may pose a potential risk to your business, you can prevent disaster. With rapid real-time reporting, early isolation and treatment of a potentially risky employee, it is possible to prevent the spread and to interrupt the disease transmission among other employees in the workplace.

As the current situation requires rapid action, which is essential to prevent the spread and transmission of highly infectious diseases, it is important to pay particular attention to the functionality of the solution.


Therefore, we bring a non-contact temperature measurement system that can measure face temperature of the objects in real time. Thanks to a special thermographic camera and a blackbody calibrator, it is possible to recognize the human face and measure the temperature with an accuracy of ± 0.3 ° C. The ideal measurement distance is 3 meters from the camera, with a response time of less than 30 milliseconds.

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The whole solution consists of several components, based on a thermographic camera with a blackbody calibrator, with realtime alarm alerts of a potential threat in the form of a person with an increased temperature. Smart NVR makes possibility of archiving of recordings to the cloud and additional solution can brings intelligent face recognition.

By installing a non-contact temperature measurement system, you can achieve a high level of safety for your employees in the workplace. It is important for employees to be protected. Our solutions will help to protect you and your business.